Illustrative tattoos

Take a page out of our book

If you're thinking about getting a tattoo, you've undoubtedly heard of Illustrative tattoos. You may have even asked yourself, "What is an Illustrative tattoo?" We’re here to help. Read on to learn what draws so many people to Illustrative tattoos.

Have you ever looked at something and had a hard time defining exactly what it is, but could easily describe how it makes you feel? 

Take Nashville, for instance (yes, we're a little partial). You may want to describe Nashville as the mecca of country music. And it is. But it’s also so much more. It’s bluegrass. Blues. Rock. Meat and three. Honkey Tonk. Centennial Park. We could go on and on, but you get the picture. It's hard to describe Nashville in a word, even a sentence. Yet, you could easily describe how the city makes you feel – alive, inspired, carefree.

That's Illustrative tattoos. Impossible to describe in just a few sentences and way beyond one style. Illustrative tattoos encompass a variety of styles, concepts, and techniques.  They are one of the broadest tattoo styles out there. 

Illustrative tattoos borrow their form from realism and traditionalism and utilize various techniques such as linework, dotwork, blackwork, and more. They are easily recognizable because they look like illustrations in a storybook, art gallery, or on paper. Illustrative tattoos are animated and use age-old techniques to bring the subject to life.

To determine if a tattoo is Illustrative ask yourself the following questions. Does the tattoo look like something from the pages of your favorite children's book? Does it take on a 2D appearance? Does it look like something you would find sketched on paper? If you answered yes, chances are it's an illustrative tattoo

From whimsical to classical, our talented tattoo artists at Hart & Huntington Nashville are experts at Illustrative tattoos—and helping you find inspiration for ink that embodies your personal style. 

The next time you find yourself with some time, stop into our rustic-chic shop, cozy up on our leather sofa, and chat with one of our tattoo artists. We’d love to know how you describe Hart & Huntington Nashville and how it makes you feel. 

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